Thursday, October 18, 2007

Coming Home!!!!

I've had problems posting pictures this week, and gave up. I'll do them frome home when we get there. It's Thurs night or actually Fri morning at 12:30am. We leave at 6:00am. Other than taking the Pearl River Dinner Cruise on Tuesday night, we really didn't do a whole lot the last few days besides some shopping, the medical exam and today's oath at the American Consulate. It may be corny, but I really feel a lot of pride when I'm taking the oath. We have a lot of problems in our country, but there's a lot of good too, and I feel proud to be an American.

Siena is doing well. I got my first kiss on the cheek from her today. The honeymoon ended over the weekend, and we got to experience her short temper, impulsiveness, and loudness. We had to get across to her that some of her reactions were not acceptable, by taking away one of her toys or movies. She pouts by crying quietly (which makes you feel awful), after initial yelling, and then freezing. The weird thing is that after I had to be firm with her a few times, she started to accept me more readily, joke with me, and hold my hand. Before that daddy was the main acceptable one. There have been fewer incidents the last 2 days. I know everything will probably change again once we get home and she has to adjust to a totally newe living environment where there is basically no one who understands her. At least the last few days give me hope. I really pray hard about this constantly. She has a loud voice naturally, and when she started yelling, I thought I was going to loose it. She and Maria get along pretty well, although there is a competitive edge to the relationship. It really seems normal. I love watching them play and hearing them both laugh uncontrollably sometimes. They are complete opposites. Maria is cautious, quiet and shy while Siena is a daredevil, loud and outgoing--she says hi to everyone when we walk down the street, and happily poses for photo shots. Siena also likes to joke around a lot and try to make people laugh. I also think she was a caretaker. She wants to help Maria do everything, which sometimes annoys Maria. She has a hard time accepting help with anything, and gets mad if you don't let her at least try it alone first. I do like that she is very neat and tidy, and helps keep everything that way.

Oh well, I need to get some sleep. Please pray for safe travel home!


1 comment:

Sue Theisen said...

Hi Erminia!
It's Sue Bartlett. I'm so happy for your family, your girls are beautiful. I've been reading your blog everyday and always look forward to new posts and pictures. I just wanted to say that I cracked up reading your description of Maria & Siena, they sound exactly like you and Rita! Maria sounds much like you and Siena is totally Rita; posing for pictures, laughing a lot and being LOUD and friendly. That's the girl I met in junior high! Have a safe trip back.