Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thursday- Sun Yat Sen Memorial & Market

First let me start by saying we are amazed and thankful at how well Siena is doing. She sleeps through the night, has a wonderful appetite, and a cute sense of humor. She can get quite loud at times though, but if that is the worst thing we have to handle, we are truly blessed. I have added to my Cantonese vocabulary how to say, Speak softly, Do not yell, Do not run. Siena talks to us constantly, but is learning to add hand motions to we can understand. She also likes to tell on her little sister, talking about MeiMei and pointing out something Maria may have done. Maria does the same with her too. All in all, quite normal.

Thursday was kind of an easy day. We went to the SunYat Sen Memorial Hall in the morning. He was a doctor, proclaimed head of government in 1923, prior to the Communist party. Our guide Samson was quite knowledgeable about the history of the Nationalist Party and how the Communist Party came into power. It realy peaked my interest to learn more. After that we headed to another local Chinese restaurant in the shopping area. All the American fast foods were available in the area, but we passed on those. As we walked through on our way to the restaurant, there were many interesting things to see, unique to the Chinese culture. Having a weak stomach, I have to admit there was nothing I really was tempted to try. After we got back to the hotel, we relaxed awhile, and then took the girls to the park nearby to burn off more energy.

More to come.


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